The Power of Scientific Communication for the Young Girl

By: Alexandra Flipkowski “What do you want to pursue in college?” said my 12th grade anatomy teacher. “I don’t know yet” I shyly mumbled despite fully knowing I wanted to be a doctor and pursue the pre-med route. Well, why didn’t I just tell my high school teacher I wanted to pursue pre-med? The answerContinue reading “The Power of Scientific Communication for the Young Girl”

Innovation and Communication

By: Daniella Pena Science communication is particularly essential in today’s world because we are constantly making breakthroughs in various fields. Without communication, this progress would essentially be nonexistent because science is only useful when people have access to it. News outlets typically focus on crime, politics, and nationwide occurrences, often leaving science out of manyContinue reading “Innovation and Communication”

Communicate Your Purpose by Bridging the Gap

By: Ximena Leon To be a successful scientist you have to be a successful science communicator. Too often, scientists are so passionate about their work that they can forget about the importance of effective communication. Effective communication is critical for the audience to understand the message, reflect on the purpose, and take action. The audienceContinue reading “Communicate Your Purpose by Bridging the Gap”

The Necessity of Effective Scientific Communication Within an Informed Society

By Davin Means The overarching goal of research and the pursuit of science is to develop concepts that explain how the world works. However once these concepts are developed and information is obtained, the next step is usually the application of this knowledge to our world and daily lives. Furthermore, today’s cutting edge research andContinue reading “The Necessity of Effective Scientific Communication Within an Informed Society”

Disconnect of Science Communication

By: Bianca Walker What exactly is science communication and why is there such a disconnect between scientist and the general public? Communication can be defined as the exchange of information which can be relayed by talking, demonstrations, PowerPoints, posters, etc. People are generally good communicators, but when it comes to science, things get a little more complicated. As aContinue reading “Disconnect of Science Communication”

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